Kitchen Remodel

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So for some reason I decided that this was the ideal time to start the kitchen remodel that I've been wanting to do for years. I'm doing as much of the work myself as I can because 1) our house isn't fancy to begin so it doesn't make sense to spend the $$$ it would cost to have it done professionally, and 2) I am under the delusion that I enjoy doing things like this myself.

I was really gung-ho to get started and have already taken down most of the cabinet doors to start sanding and painting them. But along with the "I am woman, hear me roar!" enthusiasm sometimes I feel overwhelmed and wonder what on earth I've gotten myself into. To tell you the truth it largely depends on how well Mimi (and I) slept the previous night. :-)

But I'm already past the point of no return so I better just buckle down and get it finished. The goal is to have things largely put back together by Thanksgiving (fingers crossed).
