Woodworking Fall 09: Week 4

Woodworking last night was kind of rough. I was really looking forward to class but as soon as I got there it was just one disappointing thing after another. And I think I'm finally succumbing to N's nasty cold so things just seemed harder than normal.

The first thing that happened was that I pulled out my camera to take some pictures only to realize that I had left my memory card inside the computer. (D'oh!) So yeah, no pictures today.

Next I sanded the cutting board that Steven and I put together. Then I went to trim the ends of it...and discovered that it wasn't quite square. (I would like to blame Steven but it was my own darn fault. Sigh.) Because of the pattern the non-squareness of the board became painfully obvious. But I talked to my instructor and I can trim it on the band saw and I think it will be okay.

And THEN I went to look at another cutting board I started and realized that it hadn't glued up quite right and that I'll need to re-cut it on the saw and re-glue it. I almost just called it a day because I was so discouraged and feeling under the weather.

But I stayed and made some nice progress on the new lids for my jewelry boxes (which I will take pictures of next week). So at least class ended on a positive note.
